Usage Rate Calculator
Calculate the Usage Rate (USG%) in basketball.
About Usage Rate Calculator
The Usage Rate (USG%) Calculator is used to calculate the Usage Rate in basketball statistics, which measures a player's involvement in team plays while on the court.
USG% Definition
Usage Rate quantifies the USG%centage of team plays used by a player while they are on the floor. It reflects how much a player is involved in their team's offense, taking into account their shooting, free throw attempts, and turnovers.
USG% Calculation Formula
USG% = [(FGA + 0.44 × FTA + TO) × (Team Minutes / 5)] / (MP × (Team FGA + 0.44 × Team FTA + Team TO)) × 100
- FGA: Player Field Goal Attempts
- FTA: Player Free Throw Attempts
- TO: Player Turnovers
- Team FGA: Team Field Goal Attempts
- Team FTA: Team Free Throw Attempts
- Team TO: Team Turnovers
- MP: Minutes Played by the Player
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by miniwebtool team. Updated: Oct 16, 2024