Rebound Rate Calculator
Calculate Offensive Rebound Percentage (ORB%), Defensive Rebound Percentage (DRB%), and Total Rebound Percentage (TRB%) in basketball.
About Rebound Rate Calculator
The Rebound Rate Calculator is used to calculate Offensive Rebound Percentage (ORB%), Defensive Rebound Percentage (DRB%), and Total Rebound Percentage (TRB%) in basketball statistics.
Rebound Rate Definitions
- Offensive Rebound Percentage (ORB%): Measures the percentage of available offensive rebounds that a player grabs while on the floor.
- Defensive Rebound Percentage (DRB%): Measures the percentage of available defensive rebounds that a player grabs while on the floor.
- Total Rebound Percentage (TRB%): Measures the percentage of available total rebounds that a player grabs while on the floor.
Rebound Rate Calculation Formulas
Offensive Rebound Percentage (ORB%)
ORB% = (Player ORB × (Team Minutes / 5)) / (Player Minutes Played × (Team ORB + Opp DRB)) × 100
Defensive Rebound Percentage (DRB%)
DRB% = (Player DRB × (Team Minutes / 5)) / (Player Minutes Played × (Team DRB + Opp ORB)) × 100
Total Rebound Percentage (TRB%)
TRB% = (Player TRB × (Team Minutes / 5)) / (Player Minutes Played × (Team TRB + Opp TRB)) × 100
These metrics provide a comprehensive view of a player's rebounding effectiveness, allowing for comparisons across players with different playing times and team rebound totals.
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by miniwebtool team. Updated: Oct 17, 2024