Text Modification Tools
Add Line BreaksNew - Add line breaks (carriage returns) to sentence ending.
Add Line Numbers - Add line number to each line of text.
Add Prefix and Suffix to TextFeatured - Add prefix and/or suffix to each line of text.
AI Grammar CheckerNew - AI-powered tool for precise, multilingual academic editing.
AI ParaphraserNew - This AI-powered tool utilizes advanced natural language processing to paraphrase text accurately and creatively. Get two unique versions of your content instantly.
AI Punctuation AdderNew - AI-powered tool for adding punctuation to text accurately.
AI Sentence ExpanderNew - This free online sentence expander tool uses AI to expand your sentences by adding more details and context. Get two unique, expanded versions of your text instantly.
Break Line by CharactersNew - Insert line breaks based on the maximum number of characters per line without splitting words.
Caesar Cipher ToolNew - Encrypt and decrypt text using the Caesar cipher.
Find and Replace TextNew - Find and replace text online in a user-friendly interface with optional regex support.
List Cleaner - Remove duplicate items from list.
Lowercase/Uppercase Letters - Make text lowercase or uppercase.
Remove AccentFeatured - Remove accents from text.
Remove Duplicate Lines - Remove duplicate lines from text.
Remove Empty Lines - Remove empty lines from text.
Remove Leading Trailing Spaces - Remove leading trailing spaces from text.
Remove Line BreaksFeatured - Remove line breaks (carriage returns) from text.
Remove Line Numbers - Remove line numbers from text.
Remove Lines Containing... - Keep or delete lines containing a string.
Remove PunctuationNew - Easily remove or replace punctuation from your text Online!
Remove SpacesFeatured - Remove extra spaces from text.
Reverse Lines - Reverse lines of input text.
Reverse Text - Reverse a text string.
Small Text Generator ⁽ᶜᵒᵖʸ ⁿ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ⁾ - Make your text smaller.
String Repeat - Simple tool to repeat a string.
Text FormatterNew - Format text with proper line breaks and spacing.
Text Repeat - Simple tool to repeat a block of text.
Title Case ConverterNew - Easily convert your text to title case online!
Other subcategories in Text Tools:
Subtitle Tools Text Extraction Tools Text Sorting Tools Text Statistics Tools Other Text ToolsAll miniwebtools