Decimal to Scientific Notation Converter
Convert decimal to scientific notation.
About Decimal to Scientific Notation Converter
The Decimal to Scientific Notation Converter is used to convert a number from ordinary decimal notation into scientific notation.
Scientific Notation
Scientific notation (also called standard form or exponential notation) is a way of writing numbers that accommodate values too large or small to be conveniently written in standard decimal notation.
In scientific notation, all numbers are written like this:
a × 10b
where the exponent b is an integer, and the coefficient a is any real number (called the significand or mantissa).
In normalized scientific notation, the exponent b is chosen such that the absolute value of a remains at least one but less than ten (1 ≤ |a| < 10).
1. The speed of light (299792458 m/s) in scientific notation is 2.99792458×108 ≈ 3×108 m/s.
2. 0.00345 would be written as 3.45×10-3 in scientific notation.
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